A look into the growing of Copper Wires

Copper has always been the fascinating metal for mankind. It has been a part of major advancements in the history of engineering, metallurgy and industrial upgrades. Copper has been used in minting coins, drawing elaborate chain-threads for stitching armours and making jewellery. With time, copper was amalgamated with different metals to form highly beneficial alloys. Nickel, iron, aluminium, tin and chromium are often alloyed with copper to make new materials that come with extensive anti-corrosive, anti-scratch and anti-tear properties. What makes copper so popular? Copper is abundantly found in the earth’s crust. It can be mined with other metals. The technique of separating the copper from its ores and compounds is fairly cost-effective. The impurities that often accompany the naturally mined copper can be separated out to obtain pure copper through different means. Electroplating and chemical separation remain the best methods to derive pure copper. The av...